Iranian daily warns officials not to trust ‘KGB agent’ Putin

After the death of Russian opposition leader and government critic Alexei Navalny in an Arctic penal colony on Friday, the country’s President Vladimir Putin is once again in the spotlight for the incident.

Iranian daily Jomhuri-e Eslami, in an article published on Monday, noted that Russian security officials have so far arrested hundreds of Navalny supporters who had gathered to pay tribute to the opposition leader whose cause of death in detention, remains unknown.

The newspaper wrote, “The move by the Russian government once again pointed the fingers of accusation at Putin, because he has a history of eliminating his opponents.”

“Putin, who was a KGB officer, managed to retain power for many years by relying on the method of killing the opposition figures,” Jomhuri-e Eslami added.

The daily also argued that Putin had always sought to conquer new lands to revive the former Soviet Union, explaining that the qannexation of Crimea and other regions as well as the invasion of Ukraine have all meant to fulfill his “expansionist policies.”

Drawing a conclusion, the newspaper warned the Iranian officials that “a person with such a mentality cannot be trusted.”

“This mentality in the international arena leads to greed and sacrificing other countries’ interests to satisfy their own ambitions,” Jomhuri-e Eslami further wrote.

The daily also noted that Russia torpedoed talks to revive Iran’s nuclear deal with the West for his war on Ukraine in order to use Iran as an accomplice in the war crimes in the ongoing battle against Kyiv.

The current Iranian government, under the policy of neighborliness, has been seeking the expansion of ties with neighbors, including Russia.

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