Iran’s president slams US interference in sovereign nations

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has strongly criticized the US over its interference in the internal affairs of independent nations.

Speaking to Venezuela’s Telesur Television Channel, the president said Iran’s policy is to respect the independence of nations but the US’s vision is based on domination.

Raisi added that whoever refuses to abide by this vision is called a rogue by Washington.

Raisi added that Tehran seeks to boost economic and political ties with independent nations.

The Iranian president noted that the dark record of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan is obvious.

He said it was the US that killed millions of people in Iraq and Afghanistan and maimed 35 thousand Afghans.

Iran’s president added the arrogant powers are bent on weakening the independence of nations like those in Latin America through their puppet groups and also via ignoring the vote and will of people there.

Elsewhere, Raisi spoke about Iran’s nuclear program. He underlined the civilian nature of the Islamic Republic’s atomic activities.

Raisi said the UN nuclear oversight body, the IAEA, has confirmed on 15 occasions that Iran’s nuclear program has not diverted from its peaceful path.

The president noted that Iran stuck to its obligations under the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA, but the US reneged on its commitments.

Raisi said the European countries also failed to stick to their part of the JCPOA. The Iranian president underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran has never been and is never after nuclear arms.

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