Iran nuclear chief: Time for US to redress mistakes and lift sanctions

The head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, AEOI, has called on the US to lift anti-Iran sanctions in a verifiable manner.

Mohamamd Eslami made the demand during his address to the 65th General Assembly of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna on Monday.

He said it’s time the US redress its mistakes and the first step would be the removal of all sanctions on Tehran.

Eslami said the Iran nuclear deal also known as the JCPOA that was meant to remove obstacles to Tehran’s progress was a clear example of the Islamic Republic’s goodwill.

He added that the United States not only left that agreement but it also breached UN Security Council Resolution 2231 due to its unilateral policy.

The head of the AEOI added that the so-called “maximum pressure” policy of the US has failed, and Washington has no choice but to give up its addiction to unilateral sanctions and respect international law.

He added that Iran is for talks to resolve the deadlock over the nuclear deal but it believes that negotiations must be result-oriented and aimed at removing all unfair pressures and sanctions on the Iranian people.

Eslami noted that Iran has always cooperated with the IAEA but insists that the agency must maintain its neutrality and independence and avoid politics.

He demanded that the agency launch an inquiry into acts of terrorism and sabotage against Iranian nuclear facilities which are exclusively for peaceful purposes.

Eslami also said Iran was the first country to introduce an initiative in 1974 pushing for a nuke-free Middle east, adding the Islamic republic is really worried about the Israeli regime’s secret nuclear arsenal. Israel has endangered the NPT by doing acts of sabotage against Iran’s civilian nuclear facilites and by assassinating its nuclear scientists.

Earlier, the IAEA chief Rafael Grossi opened the agency’s 65th General Assembly, saying Iran and the UN atomic watchdog are cooperating to resolve the nuclear issue.

He referred to his recent visit to Iran, saying he hopes to travel to Tehran again soon for more talks aimed at dispelling concerns over the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.

The IAEA meeting comes as efforts are underway by Iran, Russia, China and the European troika to revive the Iran nuclear deal which plunged into disarray following the US withdrawal in 2018.

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