Iran Condemns ‘Unfounded’ Accusations Raised in GCC Statement

Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman condemned unfounded and hackneyed accusations levelled against Tehran in the text of a statement issued at a meeting of heads of state of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

In a statement on Wednesday, Saeed Khatibzadeh said the statement is the result of a lack of understanding of the situation in the region and beyond, the Saudi regime’s grudge and its political pressure on the GCC.

“At a time when, given the compromise between the Persian Gulf states, the regional countries are expected to rethink their viewpoints and approaches, which have had no other result than animosity and hostility over the past decades, and to adopt a new policy, some GCC members persist in remaining on the wrong path and resorting to the threadbare ‘Iranophobia’ scheme,” he said.

Khatibzaden noted the Saudi regime’s regional policy and its destructive approaches vis-à-vis Iran and other countries have destroyed a major part of the neighouring countries’ wealth and turned the region into a depot of weapons supplied by Western companies, which has paved the way for foreigners’ further interference in this sensitive region.

“By hijacking the GCC and its meetings and imposing its destructive viewpoints, the Saudi regime is promoting hate and violence in the region,” the spokesman added.

“Regrettably, some regional countries have become a gateway for the entrance of the destructive Israeli regime into the region although they are seeing Tel Aviv’s crimes in occupied territories and this regime’s desire to viciously infiltrate into Islamic countries,” he said.

“By continuing to pursue their injudicious policies, these countries have killed off the chances of cooperation proposed by the Islamic Republic of Iran in recent years in a bid to establish security and stability in the region,” Khatibzadeh said.

“The Saudi regime and countries whose irresponsible meddling in other countries has led to the killing of innocent citizens, especially in Yemen, and the spread of insecurity and terrorism in the region, are seeking to cover up their anti-human crimes by playing blame games and escape international punishments with impunity,” Khatibzadeh added.

He further rejected parts of the statement which objects to Iran’s scaling down its commitments under the JCPOA.

“They had put all their efforts and assets into scuttling the JCPOA, and now they are objecting to the legal measures that Iran has adopted in accordance with the JCPOA,” he said.

“Iran always remained committed to international law and its obligations. So, the country brooks no interference in its nuclear and missile programs as well as in issues related to its military and deterrent defence policies,” he said.

Khatibzadeh categorically condemned blatant support by some GCC member states for the US regime’s economic terrorism against Iranian people, and dismissed such backing as a breach of the good neighbourliness policy.

He said Iranians will, forever, remember the stance adopted by those countries.

The spokesman expressed hope that GCC members, instead of issuing threadbare statements which have no outcome other than the perpetuation of the current destructive trend, will pay attention to realities in the region and shift their approaches from the establishment of coalitions and alliances to one of dialogue and regional cooperation.

The foreign ministry spokesman, once again, underlined that the three islands of the Greater and Lesser Tunbs as well as Abu Musa are an integral and eternal part of Iran’s territory.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns any ownership claim on these islands and regards it as interference in its internal affairs and territory,” he added.

“All moves by the Islamic Republic of Iran on those islands are in line with the country’s inalienable rights, national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the rehashing of such interventionist positions, in whatever form, is completely rejected and will not have any impact on the existing legal and historical facts.

“Based on its strategic viewpoint and fundamental policies, the Islamic Republic of Iran always believes interaction and cooperation are the solution to regional problems, and it welcomes initiatives aimed at boosting relations based on international principles and regulations,” Khatibzadeh said.

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