Iran condemns Canada’s blacklisting of IRGC as “unwise and unconventional step”

Spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nasser Kanaani strongly deplored the political, unconventional and unwise act of the Canadian government in declaring the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) as a "terror entity".

Kanaani described the uncalculated decision of the Canadian government as a hostile act that is contrary to the accepted norms and principles of international law, including the principle of sovereign equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of states, and a clear example of a violation of Iran’s national sovereignty.

He added this irresponsible and provocative move is a continuation of the wrong path that the Canadian government has taken over the past decade under the influence of warmongers, real violators of human rights, and the main perpetrators of terrorism.

The spokesperson for the diplomatic apparatus pointed out the IRGC is a sovereign institution born from the Iranian nation and has an official and legal identity derived from the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Alongside other branches of the armed forces, it is responsible for safeguarding Iran’s national security and the country’s borders, as well as assisting in regional security and stability through combating the ominous phenomenon of terrorism.

He emphasized the disgusting act of the Canadian government against the IRGC will have no impact on the production of legitimate and deterrent power and the increase in the level and scope of the grandeur of this honorable force born from the Iranian nation.

The spokesman declared the Islamic Republic of Iran reserves its right to a proportionate and reciprocal response to this action that contravenes international law and is against the Iranian nation and government.

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