Iran says ball in West’s court regarding JCPOA

Iran has announced that it has never left the negotiation table, however, the revitalization of the 2015 nuclear deal—officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action—hinges upon the US and three European countries returning to their commitments under the agreement.

During his weekly presser on Monday, Nasser Kanaani said Iran was the only party to the JCPOA which fully abode by its nuclear commitments.

In reply to a question about perceived signs on part of the other sides for the revival of the JCPOA, the spokesperson stated Iran’s take is clear, it was a collective agreement, this issue is up to their fulfilling their obligations responsibly.

The Iranian diplomat added Tehran has taken into account negotiations as a way of realizing its national interests. The JCPOA was a successful example in solving a complicated problem. But the US and the European parties to the deal did not let the diplomatic path bear fruit.

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman pointed out chances remain for the resuscitation of the Iran nuclear deal and the path to the deal could be open.

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