Booria is a very common handicraft in Khuzestan because of the abundant reeds and rushes available in the region’s wetlands and marshes.
They are mainly used to cover the floor, the roof and Kapar dwellings.
To make the Booria, the weavers cut the reed’s root and head first, before pouring water on it to soften the material. They then pound and flatten the stalks using a special masher in order to split the bamboo.
Then, the weavers sit on the ground and weave a number of split, flattened stalks together; after that, they weave a warp of bamboo at right angles.
They use a kind of herringbone weave to make the Booria, and twist the bottom of the woven stalk warp to strengthen its edge. The fabric is then piped and sold to the constructors.
The mat size is generally between 4 and 8 metres.
What follows are IRNA’s photos of Hassan Heydari, known as Abu Abdullah, who has been earning a living by weaving Booria for 30 years: