‘Afghanistan not to pose threat to other countries’

Acting Afghanistan Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi says the new government is exercising power over the whole country, and the Islamic Emirate-led government will not pose a threat to any country in the world.

Muttaqi, who was talking with Afghan citizens in the United States in a video conference, stated the government has pledged to not allow foreign countries to interfere in Afghanistan’s internal affairs, and that Afghanistan will open a new chapter of good governance and relations with neighbors and regional and world countries.

He added that the political isolation of Afghanistan is not in the interest of anyone.

“We seek positive and constructive relations with our neighbors, region and the world. We want positive interaction based on mutual respect with all nations,” Muttaqi told the participants of the conference.

Referring to the fall of Kabul in mid-August, Muttaqi said that Islamic Emirate forces sought to enter Kabul through dialogue but the security organization of the previous administration ran away and created a power vacuum in Kabul, so Kabul residents requested Islamic Emirate forces to enter and maintain security.

“We sought to enter Kabul city through dialogue and understanding, but as the head, and security organs of the previous administration chose to run away and a power vacuum gripped Kabul, public figures and residents of Kabul requested our forces to enter the city and establish security, he added.

The acting foreign minister once again announced that the Islamic Emirate entered Kabul with a message of national unity and had no plans of killing or detaining anyone. Some of former opposition are still living a dignified life under the shade of the Islamic Emirate, he said.

“The Doha agreement is a good framework for relations between Afghanistan and the world, specifically with the United States of America. We believe that the complete implementation of the Doha agreement can remove existing impediments in relations between us and the United States of America along with its allies, therefore, it is needed that all sides remain committed to contents of the Doha agreement,” Muttaqi noted.

He added that Afghans deserve to have a good life in their own country. The new government does not want its citizens, specifically its educated and professional cadres, to be encouraged or forced to migrate to Europe.

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