Swedish envoy summoned to Iran Foreign Ministry over desecration of Islamic sanctities

The chargé d’affaires of the Swedish Embassy in Tehran was summoned to the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in protest at the recent desecration of the Holy Quran in the European country.

The Swedish diplomat was told that the Swedish government’s silence and passive behavior embolden violators of one of the basic and obvious principles of human rights, namely the principle of respect for religious and divine values.

While Muslims have been performing Hajj and honoring religious and Islamic rituals these days, insulting their sanctities solely serves to spread hatred and call for violence by abusing the principle of freedom of speech, he was further told.

In response, the Swedish chargé d’affaires emphasized the Swedish government’s opposition to any form of Islamophobia, and stated that he would convey the protest to Stockholm as soon as possible.

On Wednesday a man believed to be of Iraqi origin tore up and burned a copy of Holy Quran outside Stockholm’s central mosque following a police permission.

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