53% of Afghans desiring to leave country: Gallup poll

As the global attention has shifted from Afghanistan to the Ukraine crisis and the refugees of the country, Afghanistan has showcased a shocking number with 53 percent of the population desiring to leave their own country and seek refuge elsewhere, according to a Gallup poll.

Gallup survey that was conducted in August and September last year showed 53% of Afghans willing to leave the country was a record-high but the percentage is believed to be higher now as more people are suffering from poverty and a crippled economy.

According to the survey, men are among the most willing people who would like to leave with 56% in 2021 compared to 35% in 2018 while the percentage of outgoing women rose only three percent from 47% in 2018.

Turkey, Canada, Germany, and the US remained top of the countries where Afghans are most willing to move.

The survey has also asked people about their economic situation and if it is getting better or worse. The polling has found that 89% of Afghans responded that their economic situation getting worse whereas only one percent responded positively.

In the meantime, 75% of the Afghan population was found not to be able to find enough food with 58% being unable to find shelter.

Afghanistan turned into the world’s worst humanitarian disaster after the US withdrew, foreign aid stalled, the economy got closer to collapse, banking and financial systems were crippled, and millions of Afghans left jobless.

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