Covid kills 37 more people in Iran

As the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 continues in Iran, the number of triple-vaxxed people in the country crossed the 10 million mark.

Health Ministry figures show that until Monday, January 10, 10,675,339 people have received their third dose of Covid vaccine also known as the booster shot.
The total number vaccine doses administered so far stands at 123,547,420.

The vaccination drive that was rolled out last summer is credited with the current downward trend in Coronavirus deaths and infections.
Later official figures show that 37 people died from Sunday to Monday. 1,932 new cases were also recorded. The cases include 298 hospitalizations.

These figures are way lower than the peak of the 5th wave of Covid that hit Iran several months ago. At the time, daily fatalities reached as many as 800 with many hospitals in Tehran and other cities having reached capacity.

Despite the downward trend, a member of Iran’s National Headquarter Against COVID-19 on Friday warned against complacency or relaxation of health protocols, adding that it’s likely the new Covid strain dubbed Omicron will invade Iran in the coming weeks.

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