Zarif raps Egyptian daily for distorting remarks on Israel

Zarif said that the website has falsely interpreted his one-word (no) response to a question on possibility of holding talks with Israel as Iran's readiness to negotiate with Tel-Aviv.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif lashed out at an Egyptian news website for distorting his comments on Israel.

On his Facebook page on Friday, Zarif said that the Egyptian website has falsely distorted his answer to a question by an American reporter on talks with the Zionist regime.

He said that the Egyptian website has falsely interpreted his clear and one-word (no) response to a question on possibility of holding talks with Israel as Iran’s readiness to negotiate with the regime.

Also on Thursday, Iran’s Interest Section in Cairo strongly blasted the Egyptian news website for misquoting Zarif’s remarks.

Iran’s Interest section in Cairo said in a statement that the Egyptian al-Youm al-Sabe’ daily had raised baseless claims on relations between Iran and Israel.

“All claims and allegations raised in this report, especially the remarks attributed to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign minister quoted by certain Zionist media are sheer lies and fully baseless,” a statement by Iran’s Interest Section in Cairo said.

It added that all the Muslim world and Arab public opinion is aware of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s principled and clear policy on the illegitimate nature of the Zionist regime and Tehran’s support for the Palestinian nation’s holy cause and the holy Quds.

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