Permanent Mission to UN: Iran recognizes any deal Hamas accepts

The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations in New York has reiterated any accord struck by the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, with the Israeli regime over a ceasefire and termination of the occupying regime’s months-long genocidal campaign in the Gaza Strip is acceptable for Iran.

Answering questions by the media, the mission said, “Our priority is to establish a lasting ceasefire in Gaza; any agreement accepted by Hamas will also be recognized by us.”

The permanent mission also lashed out at the Israeli regime for the assassination of the head of the political office of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, last Wednesday in the Iranian capital Tehran and warned of reprisal against the occupying regime.

It noted, “The Israeli regime has violated our national security and sovereignty through its recent act of terrorism. We have the legitimate right to self-defense – a matter totally unrelated to the Gaza ceasefire.”

The Iranian mission, however, sounded optimistic “that our response will be timed and conducted in a manner not to the detriment of the potential ceasefire.”

The diplomatic mission also touched on discussions between Tehran and Washington, explaining “Direct and intermediary official channels to exchange messages have always existed between Iran and the United States, the details of which both parties prefer to remain untold.”

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