Iran spokesman: Zionists delusion of ending Palestine resistance will never materialize

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman says despite the widespread death toll among Palestinians during Israel's genocide in Gaza, and the nearly total destruction of the enclave, the Zionists' dream of ending Palestinian resistance will never come true.

In a post on X social media on Saturday, Nasser Knaaani said “On the contrary, the end of this corridor of crimes will mark the beginning of the victory of the patient and striving Palestinian people and the complete collapse and defeat of a regime whose illegitimate and fabricated identity is based on aggression, occupation, terror, crime, and the killing of innocents.”

Referring to eleven months of the Israeli regime’s “crimes against Palestinians in Gaza”, Kanaani added during this time over 40,000 Gaza residents, most of them women and children, have been brutally killed by the Zionist criminal gang, the shattered bodies of thousands of people, including women, men, children, and adolescents, lie buried under the rubble and ruins of Gaza and about 90% of the Gaza residents have been displaced.

Slamming the world body’s inaction regarding “Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza”, he went on to say “The cruel war of the Zionist regime against the residents of the Gaza Strip has not only openly revealed the vile and inhumane face of the occupiers of Palestine to the world but has also stripped the mask of hypocrisy from the false claims of human rights advocates in the West.”

The Iranian diplomat warned that “The bloodthirsty Zionists, who seem not yet satisfied with the blood of tens of thousands of Palestinian residents of Gaza, are now, under the inaction of the international community, harboring the ambition to repeat the Gaza crimes in the West Bank of Palestine.”

Kanaani said, “Supported unconditionally by the US government, the Zionist regime, in its delusion, seeks to create deterrence and end resistance across the entire geography of Palestine. However, undoubtedly, with the level of crimes committed against the oppressed people of Palestine, especially in the past 11 months, this regime has sown the seeds of many storms in the land of Palestine.”

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