Iran Quds marchers warn Israel will get ‘firm’ response for crimes

Millions of Iranians participating in the International Quds Day rallies across Iran released a communique on Friday to condemn the Israeli massacres in Gaza and other parts of the Palestinian territories, saying the occupying regime will receive a ‘firm’ response over its atrocities.

The participants of the rallies hailed the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini for designating the last Friday of the holy fasting month of Ramadan as the Quds Day to highlight the suffering of the Palestinian nation ever since the 1948 occupation of their homeland by the Israeli regime.

The annual rally this year coincided with the six-month Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip that has so far left over 33,000 dead.

The 7-point statement praises the Palestinian resistance movement for standing up against the Israeli genocide, and condemns the US for providing Israel with “billions of dollars of financial support and scores of aircraft and weapons shipments and military systems.”

It also slammed Washington for repeatedly preventing a ceasefire and the cessation of the carnage with overt and covert efforts.

Meanwhile, the communique touched on the recent Israeli attack on Iran’s diplomatic mission in Syria which led to the death of seven Iranian military advisors. The marchers reminded the invading forces of Iran’s “might and deterrence power.”

“We warn the enemies of this land to avoid any mischief and dreaming about weakening or attacking this area, which is the red line of Iranians, and to know that in case of any miscalculation, the defenders of the security and territorial integrity of the homeland will give decisive and destructive responses and regretful punishment,” it read.

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