Iran president urges Israel’s expulsion from UN

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has called for the  expulsion of Israel from the United Nations, citing its crimes against Palestinians, including the ongoing war on Gaza that has killed more than 28,000 Palestinians since early October last year.

Addressing a massive demonstration in celebration of the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran on Sunday, President Raisi denounced the Zionist regime’s heinous crimes against Gaza.

Describing the issue of Palestine as the “humanity’s top priority”, the Iranian president said the governments should cut off all economic relations and interaction with the Zionist regime in order to deter it from committing crimes.

“Our proposal is the expulsion of the Zionist regime from the United Nations,” he added, pointing to the Israeli regime’s breach of 400 statements, resolutions and measures adopted by the international organizations.

The Iranian president argued that the Israeli regime, with such dark record of violation of agreements, would not honor the UN’s resolutions and covenants.

He further highlighted the Islamic Revolution’s growing progress and inspiration for regional awakening, adding, “The enemy has waged military, economic, media, and psychological wars, and recently a hybrid war, in order to halt the Iranian nation, but our nation emerged victor and disappointed the enemy.”

Describing Iran as the flagbearer of defense of human rights and the fight against terrorism, the president said, “Those who want to know the West, the US and the Zionist regime should observe the crimes against humanity and the dire war crimes and infanticide being committed against the people of Palestine.”

At least 28,176 people have been killed and 67,784 wounded in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7.

Iranian people also condemned the Israeli crimes during the Sunday’s demonstrations marking the 45th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

Nationwide rallies were held on the national holiday of “Bahman 22nd” on Sunday. People in over 1,400 cities and 35,000 villages across Iran took part in the celebration, which was covered by more than 7,300 journalists and reporters.

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