Iran says resolved to continue cooperation with IAEA, ready to conclude nuclear deal

Iran has reaffirmed its resolve to continue cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, voicing readiness to conclude the Iran nuclear deal, JCPOA.

In a statement on Thursday night, the Iranian Foreign Ministry said as a responsible member of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the Islamic Republic of Iran has always cooperated with the IAEA in accordance with its international obligations and the IAEA’s specialized and technical standing, and it is resolved to continue this cooperation.

Referring to the talks over the revival of the Iran nuclear deal, the statement says Iran’s aim is to sign a lasting agreement which would first of all guarantee its practical benefit from the sanctions removal, and secondly, it would not be easily violated under the influence of the internal politics of governments.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to conclude the talks in line with the draft of the Vienna negotiations, added the ministry in its statement.

The statement also says, “The long list of gross violations by the European sides and the US during the implementation of the treaty has forced Iran to be realistic about the future.”

Regarding the war in Ukraine, Iran repeated its stance, saying, “The Islamic Republic of Iran’s fundamental policy on the Ukraine crisis is to support the country’s territorial integrity and to stress the need to end the conflict through political solutions.

As Iranian officials have repeatedly stressed, we have not provided any side with any drones to be used in the Ukraine war. Iran’s defense and arms cooperation with other countries have been fully in line with its international rights and commitments.”

It also slammed the western support for the Saudi-led coalition in its war on Yemen, adding, “While reminding the governments of the United States of America, Britain and France of their legal and binding obligations under the “Arms Trade Treaty”, the Islamic Republic of Iran underlines that in accordance with the treaty, the foregoing governments “knowingly” supplied the Saudi-led coalition with lethal arms to be used in the war against Yemen.”

“According to a report by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, these weapons played a major role in attacks on civilians or civilian targets and in committing war crimes”, adds the statement. The Iranian Foreign Ministry also referred to Tehran’s resolve in fighting terror.

It added, “The bitter experience of Daesh crimes continues to haunt people in West Asia.

Despite the claims of the US and its allies, were it not for the role of Iran and the great champion of fighting against terrorism, General Qassem Soleimani, and for the efforts of the people of Iraq and Syria in the fight, containment and defeat of the Daesh terror, not only regional security and stability but also international peace and security would have been seriously affected.”

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