Hezbollah chief: Resistance will ‘directly’ respond to any foolish act by Israel

Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader has warned Israel against any “mistake or foolish act”, saying Hezbollah will “firmly and directly” respond to any such mistakes by the occupying regime.

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, in a speech on Friday marking the International Quds Day, said the mid-May elections in Lebanon would not distract the resistance movement from responding to any Israeli attack.

“If the Zionist enemy makes even the slightest mistake, [this time,] it will not hear us say ‘we will respond at an appropriate time and place,’ but we will respond immediately and directly,” Nasrallah said.

He hailed the latest wave of armed Palestinian operations deep inside the 1948 occupied territories and the West Bank in defense of their homeland and al-Aqsa Mosque, saying such operations, particularly those carried out by individuals, has filled the Israeli regime with fear.

“The recent operations carried out by [Palestinian] individuals exposed the inability of the Zionist regime and its weak security situation and seriously undermined the trust that the Israelis had put in their army and cabinet,” he added.

The Hezbollah leader added that Israel once hoped that the Palestine issue would sink into oblivion with the passage of time, that Palestinians will forget their own land, and that Muslims and Arabs will be done with this holy occupied land, but this never materialized.

“We will never forget Palestine, we won’t lose hope and won’t surrender to pressure,” he said.

Nasrallah called for efforts against the trend of normalization with the Israeli regime, saying the best reaction to the “compromising” Arab summit with Israel in Negev was the operations in Palestine.

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