Envoy: Iran won’t be eliminated from reconstruction of post-crisis Syria

Tehran’s ambassador to Damascus rules out the speculation that Syria may eliminate Iran from the reconstruction of the Middle Eastern country in the post-crisis period, now that it is resuming relations with the Arab world.

Speaking to the Jamaran news portal, Hossein Akbari said Syria’s rapprochement with the Arab countries will make it stronger, and a stronger Syria will promote the regional resistance axis.

Syria has proved, over the past decades, that it stands by Iran under the most difficult circumstances, and “now that it is in its best situation, this (Iran’s elimination) will definitely not happen,” he added.

The Iranian diplomat also elaborated on the economic and political achievements of a recent visit by President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran to Syria, where he inked economic cooperation agreements and held meetings with senior Palestinian resistance figures.

The Iranian envoy said he expected that the implementation of the agreements reached in Syria will start in one month.

Such cooperation, Akbari said, “can create a very good platform for economic activities of both the private and public sectors in the geography of Syria,” following the Arab country’s successful Iran-backed war against Daesh and other militant groups.

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