Analysit on Zangezur corridor: Putin’s preemptive strike to prevent potential Iran-US diplomatic channels

Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, a former Chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian Parliament, has voiced concerns over Russia's push to establish the Zangezur Corridor in the Caucuses, saying this initiative represents a preemptive strike by Russian President Vladimir Putin to block any possible communication channels between Iran's new administration and the United States.

Falahatpisheh drew parallels between the current situation and what transpired two decades ago, when Russia undermined Iran’s rightful claims in the Caspian Sea’s legal regime.

He further explained that despite the failure of the “Look to the East” policy, the central message of Iran’s latest election is clear: a desire for de-escalation with the West and a move away from dependence on the East.

By pursuing the Zangezur Corridor, Falahatpisheh believes Russia seeks to stifle any future diplomatic realignment between Iran and the West before it even has a chance to materialize.

The Zangezur corridor is part of a strategic transportation route extending from the Azerbaijani capital, Baku, to Turkey’s east, passing through Armenian territory near its border with Iran.

Russia has recently supported Azerbaijan’s demand to get unimpeded access to its enclave Nakhchivan by opening the corridor through Armenia, which would cut off Iran’s direct access to Armenia.

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