President Abbas says UN failed to resolve Palestine issue due to US pressure

The United Nations has failed to resolve the Palestinian issue due to pressure from the United States, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas stated at a meeting with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.

“The UN General Assembly and Security Council passed over 1,000 resolutions on the Palestinian issue after 1947, but the UN eventually failed to accomplish its mission due to pressure from the US as it was unable to adopt a unified resolution that would ensure the implementation of the Palestinian people’s rights,” Abbas pointed out.

The head of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) also emphasized that he saw attempts to force the Palestinians out of their land as unacceptable.

He noted that the UN International Court of Justice had previously declared Israel’s ongoing settlement activity to be unlawful.

“The decision requires the UN General Assembly and Security Council, as well as all countries of the world, to take measures to make Israel stop this activity because it violates international law,” he added.

Abbas also expressed hope that the Palestinian people would eventually get “their own independent country.”

The Palestinian president arrived in Moscow on Monday at the Russian leader’s invitation. Palestinian Ambassador to Moscow Abdel Hafiz Nofal had told TASS that the primary goal of the PNA chief’s visit to Moscow was to discuss the situation in the Middle East.

Putin also told Abbas that Moscow was “concerned” about civilian deaths in Gaza.

“We are concerned above all about civilian losses,” Putin said, according to images shown on Russian state television.

“We are doing everything … to support Palestine and the Palestinian people,” he added.

The only way to create “long-lasting, reliable, stable peace in the region” is implementation of all UN resolutions and the “creation of a fully-fledged Palestinian state”.

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