Over 18k Yemenis killed in Saudi war: Report

More than 18,000 Yemenis, including women and children, have been killed and some 30,000 injured since the Saudi-led aggression against the country began in 2015, according to a report.

The Humanity Eye Center for Rights and Development issued a report showing the total number of victims had reached 47,673 during 2,800 days of war on Yemen.

The rights center said 18,013 Yemenis were killed and 29,660 were wounded. Out of that figure 4,061 children were killed and 4,739 wounded. Among the victims, 2,454 women were killed and 2,966 injured.

The center noted the aggression destroyed well over 598,000 homes, 182 university facilities, and 1,679 mosques, in addition to 379 tourist facilities, and 415 hospitals and health facilities.

Pointing to infrastructure, the center confirmed the aggression aircraft targeted 15 airports, 16 ports, 344 power stations, 7,099 roads and bridges, and destroyed 616 networks and communication stations, 2,974 reservoirs and water networks, and 2,101 government facilities.

The prominent rights center also said the aggression targeted 407 factories, 385 fuel tankers, 12,030 commercial establishments, and 454 chicken and livestock farms. It added the war had destroyed 10,112 means of transportation, 998 food trucks, 700 markets, 485 fishing boats, 1,014 food stores, and 425 fuel stations within the days of war.

Hans Grundberg, the UN special envoy for Yemen, has sounded the alarm over a worsening economic and humanitarian situation in the war-ravaged country, which remains under the crippling Saudi-led siege. The envoy called for a renewed cessation of attacks on Yemen by Riyadh and its coalition allies. The special envoy said the international community and, more importantly, the Yemenis expect to see actionable commitment to a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

The war led by the regime in Riyadh, which has been enjoying unstinting arms, logistical, and political support from the United States and other Western states, has also displaced millions of Yemenis. It has spread famine and infectious diseases nationwide.

The war has been seeking to change Yemen’s ruling structure in favor of the impoverished country’s former Riyadh- and Washington-friendly rulers and crush the Ansarullah movement. The Saudi-led coalition, however, has failed to meet any of its objectives in the face of the stiff resistance put up by the Yemeni nation

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