Tehran Slams Israel PM’s Anti-Iran Rhetoric as “Lies

Iran’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations has denounced the blame game launched against Iran by Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the UN General Assembly meeting.

Majid Takht-Ravanchi decried Bennett’s rhetoric, saying his speech about Iran was full of lies.

“Iranophobia peaked at the UN,” wrote Takth-Ravanchi in a tweet.

In his speech at the UN General Assembly on Monday, Bennett rehashed Tel Aviv’s rhetoric and accusations against Tehran’s peaceful atomic program.

Bennett acknowledged that Iran had taken a giant leap in the field of nuclear research and development over the past years, and added one cannot stop the centrifuges with words.

He claimed that Iran’s nuclear program had reached a point of quote no return and gone beyond all the red lines.

This comes as according the international monitoring organizations, Israel has a stockpile of about 400 nuclear warheads. 

The Israeli prime minister said Iran is seeking to promote Islamism, destroy Israel and expand its influence in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza, claiming Tehran is trying to bring the whole Middle East under its nuclear umbrella.

“The speech by the Israeli premier about Iran was full of lies. This regime cannot talk about our peaceful nuclear program at a time when it has hundreds of nuclear warheads itself,” the Iranian official said.

“His (Bennett) silence toward Palestine indicates their determination to strip Palestinians’ of their rights,” the top Iranian diplomat said.

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