US Presidential Election 2016

Oscar-Winning Filmmaker Surprises Everyone with His Latest Film

Well-known American filmmaker Michael Moore surprised people in the US ahead of the upcoming Presidential Elections with his latest film about GOP candidate Donald Trump.

Leader: US Election Shows Absence of Spirituality among American Statesmen

Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Khamenei says the US presidential elections and the remarks made by the two candidates these days indicate that there is no spirituality among US authorities.

Trump and Clinton Face Off in 2nd Debate for US 2016 Election

Republican and Democratic presidential nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton attack each other with brutal exchanges during their second presidential debate a month before the Election Day.

US Election 2016: Clinton, Trump Clash in First Debate

US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have gone head-to-head over the issue of race, the economy and foreign policy in their first televised debate ahead of November's election.

Clinton Left Classified Data in Russian Hotel during State Secretary Trip

US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton forgot classified documents at a hotel in Russia during a trip as secretary of state, documents released by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation show.

GOP vs. GOP: Disqualification of Donald Trump

The US presidential elections are getting more interesting and unpredictable as we get closer to November 2016. What has made it even more difficult to predict is the internal conflict between the Republicans, where many GOP supporters are still undecided to vote for their official candidate Donald Trump.

How would a President Hillary Clinton deal with Iran?

Four Iranian experts answer a hypothetical question: How would a President Hillary Clinton deal with Iran?

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