Asiatic Cheetah

Rare Glimpse Caught of Asiatic Cheetah in Iran

Environmental patrol officers in Shahroud’s Khartouran wildlife refuge have caught a rare glimpse of Asiatic Cheetah in a quite accidental encounter.

Iran’s efforts to protect Asiatic cheetah have paid off

The environment chief has said that her organization has taken measures to raise people’s awareness of their responsibility toward the Iranian cheetah and help them understand the real value of these feline species.

International Cheetah Day (PHOTOS)

The ceremony was held at Pardisan Park, a research site in Tehran, home to two Asiatic Cheetahs.

Asiatic cheetah on the prowl

Kooshki was handed over as a gift by a hunter to the Environment Protection Organization when he was a cub.

Asiatic cheetah-themed airliner takes to Iranian skies

A Meraj Airlines Airbus A320 on whose nose the image of an Asiatic cheetah has been painted has taken to the sky for the first time.

Delbar, an Asiatic cheetah, might be expecting

Further tests and even a sonogram will be run in the presence of a foreign consultant in late March to determine whether she is pregnant.

Is it going to be love at first sight, endangered species-style?

A blind date between the two cheetahs paid off, yet it remains to be seen if they are really serious in wanting to start a family.

Camera traps capture 4 new Asiatic cheetahs in Iran

Four new Asiatic cheetahs have been sighted in Iran, says the head of Touran Biosphere Reserve (TBR) in Semnan Province.

Will this fleet-footed predator be pulled back from the brink of extinction?

More efforts are needed to save Iranian cheetah from the imminent danger of extinction.

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