Raisi: Islamic Revolution’s view rejects western approach

The Iranian president says the West has always used the issue of women’s rights as a lever to pressure independent countries.

Ebrahim Raisi made the remark in a meeting with participants in the International Khorsheed Media Festival.

Raisi reiterated that the West is not a defender of the rights of women, noting that the Islamic Revolution’s view is not an instrumental one nor does it support the notion that women must stay at home.

The Iranian president went on to say that the Israelis occupied Palestine for 70 years, while the US and its allies were in Afghanistan for 20 years without any positive result for the country’s people.

Raisi added that Iran believes that a media hegemony exists that depicts righteousness as falsehood and vice versa.

He said what is happening today is a war of narratives in which all people must follow the right narrative which is based on enlightenment.

While underlining the need for cooperation between independent media in order to shed light on the crimes of the West in the name of freedom and human rights, Raisi said the desecration of the Quran happens in the name of defending freedom of speech but such an act is actually a violation of human rights.

He stressed that what the West wants is not freedom of thought but it is a way of thinking that is useful to their domineering system.

Female media activists from 40 countries took part in the first Khorshid (sunshine) Media Festival held on Sunday in Mashhad, southeast of Iran.

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