Kamalvandi: Iran and IAEA almost finished the job, good progress made

The spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has said Tehran and the International Atomic Energy Agency made good progress during IAEA chief Rafael Grossi’s recent visit to Tehran.

Behrouz Kamalvandi said the two sides almost finished the job and only a few words remained over which they are negotiating.

Kamalvandi referred to the terrorist attack at the Tessa Complex near Karaj and the IAEA’s reaction, saying the agency has condemned the act of terror halfway but that’s not going to suffice. “We declare that the agency’s cameras have been destroyed and the IAEA must condemn it over its own cameras”, the spokesman of the AEOI said.

Kamalvandi said by “inconclusive”, Grossi meant the two sides have yet to finish the job unlike how the media interpreted that word. He cited the IAEA’s chief as confirming this.

Kamalvandi added that Iran and the IAEA failed to complete their talks because Grossi’s visit was short.

He also said the IAEA has failed to treat Iran fairly under the influence of big powers but that cannot be an excuse to leave the agency.

He said at present, we have more than 30 kg of 60% enriched uranium, and in the next one or two days, the amount of 20% enriched uranium will reach twice the capacity set by the Iranian parliament.

Regarding the leak of the IAEA’s confidential reports on Iran’s nuclear program in the Western media, he said: “We have repeatedly protested publication of confidential reports to the IAEA through letters, official statements, explanatory notes, meetings with IAEA officials, etc.”

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