Israel struck nearly every part of Gaza with US-made bombs: Report

Israel has attacked nearly every part of the Gaza Strip using American-made bombs, according to Jewish Voice for Peace, a US-based advocacy group that created a map showing over 70,000 bombs dropped on Gaza since 7 October, using UN satellite data.

“With the US as its collaborator, the Israeli military is carrying out the goal of Zionism: the complete and total ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their land,” the group states.

“The U.S. isn’t just allowing the Israeli government to commit genocide; it’s actively assisting it. It’s well past time for a weapons embargo. We demand a complete end to US funding, arming, and backing of the state of Israel’s oppression of Palestinians,” it noted.

It comes as the United States has approved another $20bn in weapons transfers to Israel, despite concerns that Israeli soldiers are routinely violating international law in the blockaded territory and the occupied West Bank.

The order includes Boeing-made F-15 fighter jets, Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles, or AMRAAMs, 120mm tank ammunition and high explosive mortars and tactical vehicles.

Some of the weapons, including the more than 50 fighter jets, could take years to deliver. Other equipment, such as 33,000 tank shells and 50,000 explosive mortar cartridges, could arrive soon.

Critics have called on the Joe Biden administration to cut off weapons transfers to Israel, stating that they make the US complicit in the destruction of Gaza.

Reports that Israeli forces are systematically violating international law and committing abuses such as torture have also failed to stop the flow of weapons, despite requirements under US law that military units credibly accused of gross human rights violations be cut off from support.

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