Iranian official: Tehran mulling over gas exports to Europe

An Iranian oil ministry official says the country is mulling over gas exports to Europe, which is facing an energy crisis due to the Ukraine war.

Majid Chegini, the Iranian oil minister’s deputy for gas affairs said Iran has not yet made a decision regarding the issue but the country has always been seeking to expand its energy diplomacy and make inroads in other regions of the world.

Chegini’s comments come as Europeans are facing difficulties in importing gas from Russia which has been their main energy supplier for ages.

This is partly due to Russia’s restrictions on Europeans because of their support for Ukraine in the war pitting Kiev against Moscow.

Another reason for the energy crisis in Europe is because of its willingness to wean itself off Russian gas.

Europeans accuse Moscow of using energy as a tool to blackmail them. Iran and Russia sit on the largest proven gas reserves of the world.

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