Iranian-French academic freed from Evin prison

Iranian-French academic Fariba Adelkhah has been released from Evin prison in Tehran, the French government confirmed. The conditions of her release remain unclear.

Adelkhah has been in prison since Iranian authorities arrested her in 2019 during a visit to the country. She is one of seven French nationals detained in Iran, a factor that has worsened relations between Paris and Tehran in recent months.

A foreign ministry statement on Friday said France “welcomed” the release, adding she had been “unjustly detained” in Tehran’s Evin prison.

“It is essential that all of Ms Fariba Adelkhah’s freedoms are restored, including returning to France if she wishes,” the ministry said in the statement.

“France reiterates its demand that all French nationals arbitrarily detained in Iran are released immediately and without conditions,” the statement added.

Iranian authorities sentenced Adelkhah in 2020 to five years in prison on national security charges. They moved her to house arrest later but in January she was returned to jail.

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