Iran Urges IAEA Not to Be Swayed by US Pressure

Iran’s ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency has dismissed the pressure exerted on the agency, urging the IAEA to remain independent, neutral and professional.

Kazem Gharibabadi made the comments in response to remarks by Washington’s special representative on Iran Elliott Abrams, who had said the United States would keep pressuring the IAEA in coordination with Europe.

In a tweet, Gharibabadi quoted late IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano as saying that efforts to put pressure on the agency with regards to nuclear verification activities have been counterproductive.

“Now, it is evident which country Amano was referring to,” added Gharibabadi.
“We should all dismiss this pressure against the agency which is detrimental to the whole international community,” he added.

In an interview, Abrams had said the Trump administration was putting pressure on Iran to bring the country to the negotiating table.

He had also said it would be important to work with Europe to pressurized the IAEA with regards to Iran as well.

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