Iran: Swedish court verdict about jailed Iranian, political statement, illegal, basically unacceptable

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman says provisions of a Swedish judiciary statement including the illegal court verdict giving life sentence to Hamid Nouri, an Iranian national, is basically unacceptable and questionable.

Nasser Kanaani said on Thrursday the Islamic Republic strongly condemns the “political statement.”

Kanaani said Iran strongly condemns this political statement that entails baseless and false allegations against the Islamic Republic and its Judiciary and sentences Mr. Nouri to life imprisonment.

He added that what was read on Thursday during the announcement of the verdict showed that Sweden’s judicial system practically supports and promotes terrorism instead of responding to the Iranian people about allowing a terrorist group to be active in the country and about violating its international responsibility to objectively fight against terrorism.

Kanaani went on to stress that it’s completely obvious for Iran that the case of Mr. Nouri was only a pretext for a political move that is devoid of any genuine proof and lacks any legal basis.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said, “We are not surprised by the depth of the hypocrite terror group whose history is filled with crimes and betrayal of the Iranian people and even the Iraqi people during the dark era of Saddam’s dictatorship, but we deeply regret that Sweden, in contravention of good relations between the two countries, spent huge sums of money to give in to the heinous goals of the hypocrites’ propaganda machine, put its judicial system at the service of the criminal objectives of the group and practically justified terrorism”.

Kanaani said the rabble-rousing by the MEK in Stockholm today and the terror group and anti-Iran media’s focus and pressures near the court where the verdict was issued show that they were bent on imposing their desired outcome of the case on the court.

He said, “Regrettably, the Swedish judicial system gave them their desired outcome”.
He noted that Mr. Nouri was detained upon arrival in the Stockholm airport by the Swedish police 2.5 years ago following a deceptive scenario that had been pre-planned by the MEK as clearly admitted by the terrorist group.

Kanaani also said, “Therefore, basically, the grounds on which he was apprehended by relevant Swedish authorities were questionable”.

He went on to say that Mr. Nouri was deprived of his most basic human rights during the 30 months that he was held in solitary confinement and he was mistreated systematically including beatings by prison guards.

Kanaani said due to restrictions placed on him, including his lack of access to a doctor, Mr. Nouri failed to completely read the indictment issued by the prosecutor.

Kanaani maintained, “Therefore, the way Mr. Nouri was treated and the restrictions imposed on him are gross examples of rights violations by the self-styled defenders of human rights”.

The Foreign Ministry spokesman went on to say that at the court, Mr. Nouri was put on trial illegally based on lying, framing and false witness creating by the MEK and under heavy psychological pressures and false portrayals by the terror group.

Kanaani said the MEK announced the verdict before it was issued by the court itself, and they, as we know the group, used all possible means to impose the ruling on the court.

He stressed that Swedish judicial officials unfortunately ceded the platform to the MEK completely during the trial despite its claim that it issues verdicts independently.

He added that the Swedish court even did not let Mr. Nouri introduce witnesses to the court to defend himself.

Meanwhile, Kanaani said the court, in its 27th session, established a direct video link with the MEK’s base in Albania in coordination with the Albanian prosecutor’s office and handed the members of the terrorist group a tremendous opportunity.

He added that, during the hearing of the case, the Swedish judicial system gave Mr. Nouri’s public defenders only a few days to prepare their defense, which was too short and was unfair compared with the time the plaintiffs had been given to lodge a lawsuit.

The Iranian foreign ministry spokesman underscored at the end that given the above points, Iran totally rejects the provisions of the Swedish court statement including the illegal court verdict and considers them as being basically unacceptable and questionable.

Kanaani conveyed Iran’s strong protest to Sweden over the court verdict which lacks any legal basis and validity.

He said the Islamic Republic holds Sweden responsible for the damage caused to bilateral ties because of the trial.

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