Iran warns Israel against new adventurism following deadly attack in occupied Golan

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani has warned the Israeli regime against any new adventurism in Lebanon following the missile attack in the Israel-occupied Golan Heights.

Israeli sources say 11 people were killed and dozens were wounded in a missile attack in Majdal Shams region in the Golan Heights on Saturday. They held the Lebanese movement of Hezbollah responsible for the incident, a claim denied by Hezbollah and some Lebanese officials.

Kanaani said, “After ten months of mass slaughter in the Gaza Strip and the massacre of Palestinian women and children, the apartheid Israeli regime is seeking to mislead the public opinion with a forged scenario to distract the world’s attention from the crimes it commits on a large scale in Palestine”

The Iranian diplomat said the international community, especially the United Nations Security Council, is responsible for shoring up the stability and security in Lebanon and the wider region in the face of the Zionist regime’s adventurism.

He noted, any stupid measure by the Zionist regime can lead to the expansion of the scope of instability, insecurity and the flames of war in the region and that the Israeli regime will be definitively and basically responsible for the unpredicted repercussions of its stupid behavior.

The spokesperson also called on the US administration to fulfill its international and moral duties, and bar the Zionist regime from starting a new fire, instead of ceaselessly arming the Zionist regime with weapons of mass.

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