Iran FM calls for withdrawal of foreign troops, including Turkish troops, from Syria

The Iranian foreign minister has called for the withdrawal of foreign troops, including Turkish and US forces, from Syria to help resolve issues related to the Middle Eastern country.

Speaking at the quadrilateral meeting of foreign ministers of Iran, Syria, Turkey and Russia in Moscow on Wednesday, Hossein Amirabdollahian said, “The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that any political solution for issues related to Syria should be aimed so that the Syrian Arab Republic can exercise its national sovereignty over its entire territory.”

Amirabdollahian said, “Syria’s neighbors, especially Turkey, can cooperate with this country so that this matter is materialized throughout the country; because its realization is both in favor of the stability and security of Syria and in line with the border security and stability of the neighboring countries.”

He went on to say, “The deployment of the Syrian army on the borders and joint provision of security with the neighbors can solve the security concerns of Ankara and other neighbors and prevent the activities of terrorists and separatists and the introduction of the establishment of neighborly and strategic relations between the two sides and the withdrawal of Turkish military forces from shared border areas with Syria according to the timetable agreed upon.”

The top Iranian diplomat said a strong and independent Syria will be able to overcome terrorism, separatists, the occupation of American forces, and the theft of the country’s national resources.

He ruled out any military solution to regional problems, reiterating “Experience has shown that resorting to military action not only does not help solve problems, but also, in addition to causing human and material losses, it further complicates the existing disputes.”

Amirabdollahian pointed to the issue of the refugees and said, “In order to realize the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland and solve the problems that have arisen in neighboring countries, we emphasize the joint cooperation of countries and international community in the rebuilding of Syria and preparing the basics of living for people.”

He also put emphasis on the need for a decisive fight by the international community, especially the four countries present in the Moscow meeting, against terrorism.

The Iranian foreign minister condemned the Israeli attacks on Syria, especially on the civilian areas of the country, and said we deem these attacks as violation of world peace and regional stability, “and demand that the international community deal with these aggressive actions.”

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