Iran denies seeking to influence US presidential election

The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations in New York has strongly denied Washington 's claims that Tehran is interfering in the US presidential election by using fake news websites.

The Iranian diplomatic mission said that Iran itself has been the victim of numerous offensive cyber operations targeting its infrastructure, public service centers and industries.

It added that the cyber capabilities of the Islamic Republic are defensive and proportionate to the threats it faces.

The Iranian diplomatic mission further stated that Iran has no plans to launch cyber-attacks on any country, underscoring that the US presidential election is an internal issue in which Tehran will never interfere. US officials have previously said Iran particularly opposes former president Donald Trump and that Tehran does not like him to return to office.

This is while Iran has repeatedly said it does not differentiate between US presidents and that no matter who the White House tenant is, Washington’s policy on the Islamic Republic is hostile.

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