Iran approves Covid vaccine SpikoGen for third dose

Iran’s deputy health minister on Thursday announced that SpikoGen has been approved for the third dose of all Covid-19 vaccines administered inside the country.

Dr. Kamal Heidari, in a letter to the universities’ deputy chancellors for health affairs and universities of medical sciences, wrote, “Based on conducted studies, the authorization of Iran’s Food and Drug Administration, and the approval of the National Covid-19 Vaccine Committee, SpikoGen has been approved as the booster for all vaccines used in the country and can be injected at least three months after the second dose.

He added that SpikoGen is being injected as the first and second doses for people aged 18 to 50 and as a booster for the above-18 persons.

SpikoGen has been developed in the Iranian company CinnaGen in collaboration with the Australian Company Vaxine and has received the emergency use license.

Iran is also jointly producing Covid-19 vaccines with Russia and Cuba.

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