Without international action, ‘West Bank will become a new Gaza’: EU

The European Union foreign policy chief has warned that a new front was being opened with a clear objective of turning the West Bank into a new Gaza Strip.

Addressing the Arab League in Cairo, Joseph Borrell argued “Without action of the international community, the West Bank will become a new Gaza.”

He added that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is working to make it impossible to create a future Palestinian state and that a ceasefire agreement initiated by US President Joe Biden is unlikely to be signed because “those waging the war have no interest in putting an end to it.”

Dozens of Palestinians were killed after Israeli forces recently launched the largest military onslaught in two decades on the West Bank.

Since the Gaza war began on October 7, Israeli troops or settlers have killed at least 690 Palestinians in the West Bank.

Israeli settler attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank hit a record in 2023, and the EU has said last year saw the most settlement building permits issued in decades.

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