India urges Iran to release 17 Indian crew on board seized container ship

New Delhi has called on Tehran to release 17 Indian crew members on board a container ship confiscated by Iran on Saturday.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is speaking with many world leaders and there is “intimate dialogue with allies” in response to Iran’s actions, he said.

“We’re considering it all. We’re acting cool-headedly and lucidly,” Herzog stated.

“I think we’re operating in a very focused way and very responsible way and I’m sure there will be a decision accordingly that will make sure that we protect and defend the people of Israel,” the president added.

Tehran launched extensive missile and drone strikes against the occupied territories in response to Israel’s deadly attack on the Iranian diplomatic premises in Syria early this month.

Iranian officials have stressed their country’s military operation against Israel was ‘in the exercise of Iran’s inherent right to self-defence’, stressing Tehran is not seeking to escalate conflict in the region.

Members of the Israeli war Cabinet have vowed retaliation against Iran for the missile and drone launches, despite urging from the Joe Biden administration.

John Kirby, White House national security communications adviser, has stressed the Biden administration is “not looking” for a wider war with Iran.

Asked Sunday on NBC News’s “Meet The Press”, if the Middle East tensions have escalated into a wider war, Kirby said, “The president doesn’t believe that it needs to move in that direction whatsoever”.

“And also, Israel demonstrated again, as I said, that they’re not standing alone, that they have friends,” Kirby added.

“So the president’s been clear. We don’t want to see this escalate. We’re not looking for a wider war with Iran. I think, you know, the coming hours and days will tell us a lot.”

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