How To Finish Your Dissertation During Lockdown

The rapid spread of the Covid-19 virus had the nation go into lockdown. The educational sector wasn't exempted from this rule, and now as a finalist, you've to complete your dissertation under these troubling circumstances. This final project constitutes the bulk of your session scores and nothing less than an excellent score will suffice.

Here’s how you can go about finishing your dissertation while obeying social distancing.

Make Use of Online Resources

Visiting the school or public library is not an offer on the table. How then do you get the information you need to write your dissertation? The answer is using online resources. There are multiple virtual libraries on the Internet with free access. Google’s online library is one such resource. Getting information from resources on the Internet is the perfect solution to getting a quality education at home.

The question on the lips of many students is “How can I get help to write my dissertation online?” Online resources don’t stop at libraries, there are dozens of tools on the internet that can help you write during the lockdown. You can get professionals to help with writing your dissertation for you, or any other form of assistance when you’re looking for the best quality. The proofreading tools on the internet will help keep your grammar and spellings excellent. Get online dissertation help with your thesis, project, and more.

Be Positive

Keeping a positive outlook in life is the first step to solving a problem. This rule also applies to the Corona lockdown. At a time when it seems negativity is drowning the world, you’d need to stay strong and appreciate the positives. Focus on the highs rather than the lows.

It can be difficult to stay motivated and focused on writing your dissertation when the lockdown keeps exposing the frailty of things we once thought compact. This possibility is why it’s essential to have a topic you are passionate about for your project. In moments where your zeal seems fleeting, remember the reason for selecting your dissertation topic.

If you didn’t select a topic that interests you earlier, thanks to the lockdown you have enough time to change and complete it. Contact your supervisor to discuss possible options.

Communicate Using Social Media Apps

Your supervisor and project partner(s) are crucial members in finishing your dissertation. You need to check in with the former to gain guidance throughout the entirety of your project. Thanks to social media platforms you can keep in touch with your supervisor and classmates without leaving your home. You can perform group video chats using applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Zoom, Skype, and more.

Exercise at Home

Exercising is an excellent way to keep your mind and body in perfect shape. Lockdown means that you can go to the gym or go on hikes. 5There’s nothing stopping you from exercising at home. The are multiple body training you can perform while social distancing. This information is easy to access thanks to smartphone apps and online videos.

Take Breaks

Staying at home doesn’t mean you have to overwhelm yourself with work. The brain needs rest and you should always indulge it. After working for a few hours, take a time out to replenish your mind.

You can take a day off your dissertation after working at it for two weeks. You should find creative ways to de-stress while still adhering strictly to social distancing rules.

Minimize Procrastinating

Procrastination is the bane of every student and avoiding it is critical to writing dissertation during lockdown. It might appear you have ample time to finish your work, but this perception can be misleading. Many students ask “When should I start writing my dissertation?” The answer is right away.

Putting things off can become a habit, and you find yourself barely halfway through your project with a few weeks before it’s due. Dissertations are notorious for appearing simple to complete at surface level, but 30% into it, the veil falls off and students find that they’ve their work cut out for them. There’s a reason why it carries the bulk of your finals grade.

Steps to Take

Here’s how you can minimize procrastination.

  • Avoid distractions.
  • Create a schedule and stick with it.
  • Ensure your writing period coincides with the time of the day that you’re most productive.
  • Make your room conducive for studying.
  • Set goals and objectives.
  • Treat yourself when you accomplish a milestone in your dissertation

Final Thoughts

Lockdown isn’t a prison, keep a positive attitude, and make use of the online tools at your disposal. Get to writing your dissertation while using the internet to get all the information and research data you need.

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