Envoy: Iran receives over 300 million cubic meters of water share from Afghanistan’s Taliban

After months of bickering with the Taliban administration in Afghanistan, Iran has received over 300 million cubic meters of its share of water from the Hirmand River, the Iranian special envoy to the eastern neighboring country says.

Hassan Kazemi Qomi said on Friday that after extensive talks, the Taliban took a three-pronged initiative, one of which wasted the water by leading it to Gozareh depression, but the other two took off the ground and supplied Iran with water.

He clarified that as a result of repairing the valves of the Kamal Khan Dam and dredging the water transfer route to Sistan and Baluchestan, over 300 million cubic meters of Iran’s share of water was supplied.

The Taliban had been refusing to allow Iran’s share of water from Hirmand, known as Helmand in Afghanistan, to stream into Iran, blaming drought and technical issues for the low supply of water.

Tehran says Afghanistan must adhere to the terms of the internationally-binding 1973 Hirmand river water treaty under which Iran should receive 820 million cubic meters of water annually.

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