More cities exit ‘red’ state on Iran’s Covid map as Omicron recedes

The number of Iranian cities classified as ‘red’ on the country’s color-coded Covid-19 map has been decreasing sharply, as the sixth wave of the outbreak, fueled by the highly transmissible Omicron strain, keeps receding.

According to the latest updates to the map, released by the Health Ministry, 99 cities remain in the emergency ‘red’ category, down from 144.

The map shows 186 ‘orange’ cities and 154 ‘yellow’ ones. Nine cities were also classified as ‘blue,’ which means the situation with regards to infections has returned to normal.

Latest data shows new daily Cobid-19 cases and hospitalizations are falling rapidly in Iran, along with many other parts of the world, but experts warn that the pandemic may still be far from over.

Iran on Friday recorded 3,953 daily cases, down from around 6,400 recorded a day earlier. Despite the drop in infections, Iranian officials have been cautioning the public not to take vaccination and health protocols lightly.

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