14 Iranian pilgrims die during Hajj Rituals

An official said 14 Iranian pilgrims have passed away during this year's Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

The deceased include 11 men and 3 women.

Seyyed Ali Marashi, head of the Medical Center for Hajj and Pilgrimage at the Iranian Red Crescent Society, reported that six of the deaths were due to heatstroke, while the remaining eight were attributed to pre-existing medical conditions.

Additionally, he mentioned that two pilgrims are currently hospitalized. One is being treated in the Saudi-German Hospital in Mecca, and another in Jeddah, both under artificial respiration due to a traffic accident.

The Iranian Red Crescent Society says it continues to monitor and provide medical assistance to ensure the safety and health of all pilgrims during their stay.

More than 1.8 million Muslims from around the world took part in this year’s Hajj, over 80,000 of them from Iran.

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