UN says 270k tons of solid waste have accumulated across Gaza Strip amid war

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has taken a perilous turn as a mounting solid waste threatens to compound the already dire situation there, the United Nations has warned.

“Some 270,000 tons of solid waste have accumulated across the Gaza Strip; that is according to the Union of Gaza Strip Municipalities. This is creating an environmental and public health catastrophe,” Spokesman Stephane Dujarric said at a news conference.

The accumulation of solid waste, exacerbated by “the destruction of waste management facilities and medical waste disposal centers, has severely hampered the collection and disposal efforts by municipalities”, Dujarric added.

He also underscored the grave risks confronting humanitarian workers amidst the destruction of roads and the presence of unexploded ordnance.

“In Gaza, the ongoing hostilities, the destruction of roads, and the prevalence of unexploded ordnance continue to pose significant risks for humanitarian workers,” underlined Dujarric.

Dujarric emphasized the obstacles hindering the movement of aid supplies into Gaza, citing fuel supply constraints, delays, and insecurity at checkpoints by Israel along the coastal road.

“These challenges are preventing aid supplies from physically moving inside Gaza,” Dujarric lamented.

Noting the severe damage inflicted upon the aid transportation infrastructure, with most trucks used for delivering aid being damaged or destroyed since the outset of the conflict, Dujarric said, “Since the beginning of the war, most trucks used for transporting aid have been damaged or destroyed.”

Dujarric further announced the arrival of 15 trucks purchased by the UN to bolster aid delivery in Gaza.

“Over the past two days, 15 trucks purchased by the UN to increase aid delivery were transferred to Gaza,” he disclosed, highlighting the concerted efforts to address the pressing humanitarian needs.

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