Traditional Medicine

Traditional Iranian medicine: A solution for a healthy lifestyle

Traditional Iranian medicine is a world class medical school that dates back thousands of years. Despite the adjective “traditional” with which its name is associated, Iranian medicine, like other sciences, is completely consistent with scientific and experimental foundations.

Iran Marks National Day of Village, Nomads

Iran annually marks the 15th day of Mehr (the first month of autumn) as the National Day of Village and Nomads with the aim of promoting the nomadic and rural culture and lifestyle.

Iran to Export 17 Medicines to Russia

An Iranian official has unveiled plans for the export of 17 types of high-tech pharmaceuticals to Russia.

Nour Gavan; Ancient Ceremony to Mark Triumph of Light over Darkness

The traditional ceremony of Nour Gavan, which literally means ‘the milk vetch on fire’, is held every July in the village of Neva, 12 km from Gazanak, between Amol in Mazandaran province and Tehran.

New Version of Medical Book by Rhazes Found in Austria

Iranian attaché in Austria announced that a Latin version of Kitab Al-Mansuri, a medical book by Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi, the famous Iranian polymath of Middle Age, has been discovered in the European country’s National Library.

Foreign Tourists in Iranian Traditional Medicine Centres

Iran intends to present its traditional medicine to the world by founding specialized health centres.

Iranian-Islamic Traditional Medicine, Probably the Only Cure for Trump’s Illness

An Iranian professor believes that Iranian-Islamic medicine offers a way to cure vitiligo, a condition Donald Trump is suffering from.

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