Isfahan Province

Iran World Heritage Attractions (No. 2)

Naghsh-e Jahan Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in central Iran, in photos.

Erdogan’s new palace is a reminder of Iran’s Alighapoo

Iran’s ambassador to Turkey, Alireza Bigdeli, says Ak Saray, Turkey’s new presidential palace, is reminiscent of Alighapoo’s architecture.

Isfahan is a model of peaceful coexistence among followers of divine faiths

The spiritual leader of the World Armenians says Isfahan is a fine example of how followers of divine religions can coexist peacefully.

Christians in Isfahan celebrate the 350th anniversary of a famous church

A service is held in Isfahan to mark the 350th anniversary of a very old place of worship.

Canvas of Peace was unveiled in Isfahan

Teenagers in Isfahan are to paint images of war victims on an enormous canvas on the sidelines of a children’s film festival.

Pigeon Houses, Iranian Architectural Elegance

Pigeon houses represent a perfect example of humans and nature working together for mutual benefits.

Frye : “They are very hospitable people. I love them very much,”

American scholar of Iranian and Central Asian studies, professor Richard Nelson Frye has passed away at the age of 94.

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