
IRGC Releases First Photo of Captured American Drone

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force on Saturday released the first photo of a US drone captured by Iran.

IRGC Develops New Long-Range Bomber Drone

The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has manufactured a new combat drone capable of bombing targets with pin-point accuracy at long distances, the IRGC Aerospace Force commander announced.

Iran Warns Off American U2 Spy Plane: Commander

A senior Iranian commander says the country’s air defense forces have warned off an American U2 spy plane trying to fly over Iran’s borders.

Iran test-flies nine new drones during war games

Among other things, the new drones are capable of real-time transfer of images.

Iran unveils latest home-made drone, Ababil 3

Ababil 3, the Iranian-built unmanned aerial vehicle intended for reconnaissance operations, has been unveiled.

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