Putin: US trying to reconcile with Iran and Venezuela to counter Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin says the US is trying to reconcile with both Iran and Venezuela to counter Moscow on energy markets.

Putin said on Thursday that it is odd when Western countries blame sanctions on Russia for their domestic economic woes.

Speaking at a government meeting in Moscow, Putin stressed that Russia is fulfilling its contract obligations to Western countries in full despite any restrictions.

“As for those countries that are taking unfriendly steps towards our country and economy … they point to the sanctions they are imposing on us as the reason for the deterioration of their situation,” he added.

“It looks very strange, especially since we are fulfilling all our obligations. I would like to stress once again that we fulfill all our obligations in the field of energy supply,” he continued.

Putin said Russia continues to supply its main consumers, both in Europe and in other regions of the world.

“Even the east transport system of Ukraine is 100% percent loaded under our contracts. It’s surprising, but the fact is, we do it,” he added.

Putin stated the US government is trying to deceive its own population, making Russia a scapegoat for their own miscalculations. Russia’s oil deliveries to the US are less than 3% of the total, so this is a negligible value to cause a spike in prices, he said.

“Even the ban on the import of Russian oil has absolutely nothing to do with it (rising prices). They are simply hiding behind these decisions in order to deceive their own people,” he added.

Putin noted the US is trying to reconcile with both Iran and Venezuela to counter Russia on energy markets.

“They are ready to make peace with Iran, immediately sign all the documents (to renew the Iran nuclear deal). And with Venezuela. They went to Venezuela to negotiate with them,” he stated.

Russia will not close its markets to foreign partners and is ready to work with everyone who wants it, he stressed.

Last Thursday, Putin announced a “special military operation” aimed at “demilitarization” of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions in eastern Ukraine.

The EU, the UK and the US have issued a wave of economic sanctions against Russia in response to its invasion of Ukraine. The West’s sanctions cover a wide array of economic sectors.

US President Joe Biden has recently ordered a total ban on the import of Russian oil and gas supplies, saying the step was being taken “to inflict further pain on Putin”. Biden admitted that the step would have “costs as well here in the United States”, but suggested that “defending freedom has a cost”.

Russia has become the country with the largest number of sanctions imposed against it, overtaking Iran. Since late February, 2,778 new sanctions have been introduced against Moscow, nearly doubling the pre-existing number.

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