Iranians hold countrywide rallies against Israel

Iranians hold nationwide rallies to condemn the Israeli regime’s atrocities against the people of Lebanon and Gaza.

The demonstrations were held after the Friday prayers throughout Iran where the protesters had placards bearing slogans against Israel and its western supporters.

Iranians hold countrywide rallies against Israel

At the end of their rallies in Tehran, the protesters issued a statement, saying the Israeli regime’s targeting of Hezbollah commanders shows the apartheid entity is bent on broadening the war across the region.

The ralliers also demanded that the UN stop Israel’s atrocities against Palestinians and the Lebanese and pave the way for the Palestinian people to determine their fate through a referendum or peace will not be restored in the Middle East.

Iranians hold countrywide rallies against Israel

The experience of the past year and the shameful silence of the UN Security Council and international organizations toward the Israeli regime’s crimes shows that international institutions actually serve the interests of arrogant powers and the Zionist regime, said the demonstrators.

The protesters reaffirmed Iran’s support for the cause of Palestine and vowed that the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh by Israel would not go unanswered.

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