Iranian dissident criticizes officials for his implication in new case

Iranian dissident and reformist activist Mosfata Tajzadeh who is serving his jail term in Tehran's Evin prison has issued a statement in which he criticized top officials for a new case in which he is implicated that could increase his sentence.

Tajzadeh said he will not appear at the court in the case nor will he defend himself.

He noted that the judge in charge of the case could give him another six years in prison in the case of which 5 years will be enforceable.

Takzadeh added that when Hassan Rouhani was elected as Iran’s president in 2013, his jail sentence was increased from 6 years to 7 years, claiming that this time around, his 5-year term could be increased to 10 years.

According to Tajzadeh, in the new case, he has been accused of assembly and collusion with the intent of committing crimes against national security and engaging in propaganda against the Islamic establishment.

Tajzadeh served as political deputy of Iran’s interior minister under former president Mohammad Khatami.

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