Iranian artists express regret over Gaza massacre

Two Iranian artists have stated utter grief over the Zionist regime’s crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Gaza war Eminent Iranian contemporary poet, Houshang Ebtehaj, expressed deep sorrow over the children’s massacre in Gaza Strip.

However, talking about these bloodsheds will not solve anything. In this battle, one side is armed to the teeth and the other side is almost defenseless. This is while the international society shows total indifference to Gaza’s bloodbath – Houshang Ebtehaj

Commenting on the Zionist regime’s crimes in the occupied territory, the poet said, “I feel great grief over the violence used against the innocent Palestinian children. However, talking about these bloodsheds will not solve anything. In this battle, one side is armed to the teeth and the other side is almost defenseless. This is while the international society shows total indifference to Gaza’s bloodbath,”.

Some of the world’s politicians only seek to maximize the benefits of their national and trade companies and do not show any willingness to stop the mass murder, he said.

Ebtehaj noted that throughout the history, whenever humanity wanted to do or achieve something substantial to do away with crime and war, those who only seek their own interests have caused problems.

Meanwhile, Iranian movie star, Niki Karimi, also expressed regret over the relentless slaughter of Palestinian people by Israeli forces.

Ordinary citizens are being killed in Gaza everyday. I wonder what the United Nations is doing on the ground? And where the human rights advocates are? – Niki Karimi

She said, “I wonder how such disasters can occur in telecommunication era when most of the people have access to the internet and know how to use it. How is it possible that the Zionist regime does whatever it wants, while the international society shows no strong reaction?.”

What is currently going on in Gaza is an international disaster, she warned. “Ordinary citizens are being killed in Gaza everyday. I wonder what the United Nations is doing on the ground? And where the human rights advocates are?”

Karimi recalled that, “After the World War II came to an end, those who collaborated with Adolf Hitler to commit all those bloody and brutal crimes were executed. People still talk about Nazi party’s slaughter. However, at present, in 2014, despite the current unprecedented universal media coverage, we still see that such a brutal mass murder goes unnoticed which is very regrettable.”

Hushang Ebtehaj, (born 1928 in Rasht-Iran) with the pen name of H. E. Sayeh (lit. Shade) is an eminent Iranian poet of the 20th century, whose life and work spans many of Iran’s political, cultural and literary upheavals.
In 1987, he moved to Cologne-Germany, with his family and lives there.

Niki Karimi, (born 1971 in Tehran) is an Iranian actress, director, and screenwriter.
Niki has won many awards nationally and internationally such as San Sebastian film festival award for best actress. She has also recently been on the jury for renowned film festivals, including the Locarno International Film Festival and Thessaloniki International Film Festival and Berlin Film Festival and also the 60th Cannes Film Festival.

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